Turkey real estate 2022

Trabzon is located in the north-east of Turkey in the east of the Black Sea, specifically on the Black Sea coast between the Zingana Mountains,
It is one of the Turkish cities that enjoys a wonderful atmosphere, tradition and originality, as it is considered the second largest city located on the Black Sea coast with a population of 750 thousand people, and it is about 1069 km away from Istanbul, and its area is 6685 km2

The Fatih Mosque in Istanbul
From it, the features of the Ottoman architecture began to form and develop and from it, mosques were inspired by their idea and design, “The Fatih Mosque,” the landmark of the Ottoman Empire in modern history.
The Turkish lira
عملة خرجت الى النور بينما كانت شمس الدولة العثمانية تميل الى المغيب ، عملة صاحبت الوطن التركي في رحلة حفلت بالتحولات التاريخية الكبرى من خلافة إسلامية حكمت رقعة كبيرة من الأرض ، لجمهورية أتاتوركية الى دولة قوية تستلهم الماضي البعيد في مواجهة المستقبل