Smart homes in Turkey, living the future in the present

 In the beginning, it is necessary to define the smart home system , which means preparing the house where it can be controlled and the devices within it automatically remotely by means of a mobile device or any device connected to the Internet.

The basic principle here is that the devices in this home are connected to each other via the Internet, so the owner of the smart home can control many functions such as safe access to the house, temperature, lighting, television and many other functions.

 It is not surprising that Turkey embraces such advanced technology, as it contains the best construction companies in the world that are famous for their huge projects, and most of these companies have started to introduce the smart home system within their projects, especially in the Turkish capital, Istanbul.

Smart home working principle

 Devices in a smart home are connected through a single central device that can be a smartphone, laptop, console, or tablet.

This system provides the user with the ability to control many features and functions, such as controlling the lighting of the whole house to save electricity and costs caused by energy consumption, and the user can control home appliances such as televisions, monitors, heaters, air conditioning and even the refrigerator.

 All this is done through an automation system that is installed on the central device and the rest of the devices in the house connected to the network, in addition to a self-learning system that helps the user to understand the system environment and how to use it, and the user can make the adjustments he deems appropriate and create a schedule at the appropriate time for him.

 Some systems in the smart home are also provided with a special system for safe access to the house. In the event that the owner is outside the house, the system sends a notification to the owner in case any movement is detected in the house and then contacts the security authorities.

Pros and advantages of smart homes in Turkey

The first feature is to provide convenience for smart home owners, as all home appliances are controlled using one device and from anywhere instead of controlling each device alone, such as heating, air conditioning and lighting, and network-connected cameras allow you to see any visitor or anyone coming to the house and communicate with them from any  place.

In addition to the owner receiving continuous notifications about any problem in the house, it is also worth noting that the use of the smart system in homes saves energy consumption and helps to use the devices more effectively and efficiently.

Disadvantages of smart homes in Turkey

The issue of high cost is one of the most important negatives of the smart home system, as the costs of installing this technology range from a few thousand dollars for a wireless system to tens of thousands of dollars for a networked system, which will inevitably lead to a rise in real estate prices in Turkey, but when a comparison is made between services  Available within these properties in Turkey with the equivalent in European countries, we find that the costs are very acceptable.

The second negative lies in the errors that afflict technology and lead to security problems such as hacking and access to home devices connected to the network. In order to avoid these problems, construction companies in Turkey take many security measures such as protecting devices and smart devices with a strong password that is difficult to penetrate, and the use of encryption when available,  It also warns the user not to connect untrusted devices to the home network.