The Turkish city of Konya… the city of Mevlana Rumi

Konya is the largest state in Turkey, with a population of more than two million people, famous for its industrial development, strong economy, distinguished administrative organization and cleanliness of its wide streets with long bike paths, which made it among the Turkish cities with the longest bike path in the country.

Konya dates back to about 7 thousand years BC, and it is one of the largest and most beautiful cities of Turkey and even the oldest throughout history, it contains many amazing monuments of its distant past, including the archaeological center “Kayak hoyuk” site that dates back to 5 thousand year BC and was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

It is also the birthplace of the great mystic scholar Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, one of the most important Turkish philosophers and the most prominent thinkers and founder of the Whirling Dervish sect, making Konya a vibrant and immaculate city which residents are religious and conservative.

The most beautiful tourist places in Konya

Konya has many beautiful tourist places to wander around, the most important of which are:

Mevlana Museum

The Mevlana Museum is considered one of the oldest museums in Turkey, as it was built around 1274 m with an area of ​​​​18 thousand square meters by the architect Bahr al-Din Tabrizi, while it was opened in the year. In 1927, nearly a century from now, the museum bears the name “Mawlana” because it contains the tomb of the Sufi scholar and thinker Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, known to the Turks as “Mawlana”, as an affiliation to the Sufi Mevlevi Order.

Mawlana Dome Museum is decorated in turquoise color, in addition to the shrine of Jalal al-Din al-Rumi and a mosque that contains many equipment, clothes and musical atmosphere that contribute to learning this method, especially with the presence of shrines of people loyal to the Mawlawi method in the museum.

Aladdin Mosque

Aladdin Mosque, or as it is called “the burial of many sultans” who ruled Turkey in the time period between 1156 and 1283 AD, was built during the reign of Sultan Masoud I in 1116 AD with a length of 71 meters and a width. 56 meters in wooden design and valuable engravings.

Adalet Park

The park is a real outlet that gives Konya a pleasant aesthetic view, and it is spread over an area of ​​102 thousand square meters of greenery and bright colors of about 200 species of plants and flowers.

The park receives thousands of visitors due to the availability of a children’s games section, many restaurants, cafes and exercise areas for different types of sports.

Seljuk Tower

Konya cannot be visited without climbing and walking around the tallest skyscraper in Anatolia which is the 42-storey “Seljuk Tower”, which is 163 meters high.

The last two floors of the tower are dedicated to restaurants, where tourists can enjoy delicious Anatolian dishes.