An Introduction to the Gray Turkish Passport

It is a passport that is granted to state employees or Turkish workers in humanitarian organizations and those who do not hold a black or green passport following Law No. 5682 on passports, named by this name concerning the color of its cover and called the Turkish service passport, and this passport is granted to facilitate the movement of people entrusted with missions Especially outside the Turkish borders, and as soon as the task entrusted to the person holding the passport is completed, the period of the passport is considered expired.

This passport gives its holders the privilege of exemption from the request for travel visas that must be obtained in the case of an ordinary passport. This passport is linked to the tasks assigned to the person and cannot be used for any private business or any tourist purpose.

To whom is the gray Turkish passport granted?

The Turkish passport is granted to several groups, including people who are not diplomatic staff and who are unable to own a special green Turkish passport. Therefore, the gray passport can be granted to people entrusted with official missions outside the Turkish state, headed by embassies and consulates employees, in addition to those assigned by Turkish government departments and institutions to conduct a course outside the country It is also granted to Turkish employees abroad and envoys by the Turkish Red Crescent, the Turkish Airlines Corporation, representatives of the Turkish state in international organizations, as well as to Turkish athletes participating in tournaments or sports competitions outside Turkey.

And do not forget that the gray passport is granted to the wives or husbands of the persons holding the gray passport, in addition to their children under the age of twenty-five.

Gray Turkish Passport Features:

Diplomatic norms between countries stipulate that the holder of a gray Turkish passport is granted legal residence in the countries to which he is sent, and coordination is made between the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the relevant authorities in the other country, and the holder of this passport has some powers.

The gray passport has the advantage of exempting the holder from taxes – financial fees – to obtain it, in addition to granting the holder the ability to enter many countries without the need for a visa, including the Schengen countries.