The Impact of Foreign Investment on Istanbul’s Real Estate Market


Istanbul has become one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investors in the real estate sector in recent years. Despite this, many investors are surprised by two things when they first arrive on the scene: First, they find it hard to find good quality properties; and second, they find that prices are much higher than expected. This article reviews why this happens, and what steps can be taken to mitigate against the problem before investing in Istanbul.

The Impact of Foreign Investment on Istanbul’s Real Estate Market

  • In recent years, foreign investment in Istanbul real estate has increased.
  • Foreign investors are attracted to the high quality properties available in Istanbul.
  • Some investors are surprised by the high prices they find when they arrive, however, as well as by how quickly those prices change when compared with other parts of Europe or Asia

Istanbul has become one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investors in the real estate sector in recent years.

Istanbul has become one of the most attractive destinations for foreign investors in the real estate sector in recent years. The city has a large number of high quality properties for sale, including luxury apartments and villas. Istanbul’s economy is growing rapidly, and its population is projected to increase by around 13% between 2020 and 2030. In addition, with its rich history and vibrant culture, Istanbul attracts millions of tourists every year who come to enjoy its warm weather as well as its cultural attractions.

Despite this, many investors are surprised by two things when they first arrive on the scene: First, they find it hard to find good quality properties; and second, they find that prices are much higher than expected.

However, many investors are surprised by two things when they first arrive on the scene: First, they find it hard to find good quality properties; and second, they find that prices are much higher than expected.

This is because there is a high demand for quality properties in Istanbul and at the same time there is a limited supply of such properties available for sale or rent.

This article reviews why this happens, and what steps can be taken to mitigate against the problem before investing in Istanbul.

If you’re thinking about investing in Istanbul, it’s important to understand that the real estate market here is different from other major cities.

The first thing that many foreign investors are surprised by is how much smaller the market is than they expected it would be. The second thing they notice is that there are no bargains to be found–everything has been priced accordingly. This can be frustrating for those who want a quick return on their investment or who are used to paying less than market value when buying property abroad (for example, due to “special” relationships between buyer and seller).

Is there a lack of quality properties available for sale?

There are many reasons why the real estate market in Istanbul is so competitive. One of these reasons is that quality properties are hard to find, particularly in the city center and on the European side of Istanbul. There are many abandoned buildings that need to be renovated before they can be sold. This means that there will be fewer available options for prospective buyers looking at high-end homes, which may lead them to consider other cities like London or Dubai instead.

There is certainly a lack of high quality properties available for sale in Istanbul.

One of the biggest challenges faced by foreign investors is that there are many good quality properties available, but they are not always easy to find. The real estate market is very competitive and dominated by local investors. As a result, it’s difficult for foreign buyers to get a good deal on their property purchase as they may not understand how the market works or what kind of deals are out there.


Istanbul is one of the world’s most exciting cities, and it has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. However, despite this there is still a lack of high quality properties available for sale. If you are thinking about investing in Istanbul then you need to be aware of this before making any decisions about where or how much money to spend on buying property here.