The management of residential complexes in Turkey

The task of managing residential complexes is defined as managing, coordinating, and conducting business related to the continuation of the facilities in the residential complex, including the basic and additional ones for serving the residents of the complex and providing everything they need. the complex.

The work of these services is regulated by a set of laws and executive instructions, the foremost of which is the Floor Ownership Law. These laws stipulate that the owner or owners of real estate in Turkey possess the highest legal authority for this property and therefore have the power to appoint managers, develop management plans and evaluate performance.

Choosing the Residential Complex Manager:

Turkish laws and regulations stipulate the appointment of a property manager by Article No. Article 34 of the Floor Ownership Law, when the property consists of eight or more independent real estate parts, but if all of these parts belong to one owner, the owner is considered the legal manager of the property.

It is possible to appoint managers for residential complexes according to what the law stipulates, and the manager may be among the owners or outside of them, and the manager is appointed by agreement between the owners and those who are considered the legal authority to manage the complex. The Magistrate’s Court is closest to the real estate area.

The manager is considered the legal agent on behalf of the owners and a representative of them about the main property, and his task is to inform the owner’s council of any legal matter that he undertakes on their behalf.

The period the real estate manager in Turkey assumes his duties only last one year according to the laws and regulations, and upon the expiry of this period, a meeting is held in which a new manager is selected, but when a manager is appointed by the Magistrate’s Court, his tenure for the position is 6 months.

The Finance Manager is not responsible for any financial problems related to the owners that resulted from late payment of financial obligations.

What is the housing complex management plan project? What are the foundations for its preparation?

The housing complex management plan is defined as the plan that includes all the works and services that will be implemented by the housing complex management and an expected budget for these works for one year.

The residential complex management plan must contain several items as stipulated in Article 37 of the Floor Ownership Law, and these articles are:

  • Expenses are required to service the main property for no less than one full year.
  • The estimated costs incurred by each owner according to the percentage of his shares in the main property, which includes the following expenses:
  • The costs for the doorman, heating maintainer, ranger, and garden supervisor are evenly distributed to all owners.
  • As for the main property insurance expenses, the operating and maintenance costs of the common facilities, the general maintenance expenses, and the manager’s salary, they are distributed according to each owner’s share of the property.

After the plan is prepared, it is sent to all the owners and they are given a week from the date of sending to review the plan and give any comments or object to any material, and then a meeting of the owners’ council is held and the objections are studied and then approved of the plan that is valid for a full year.