Useful tips before renting a property in Turkey

Those wishing to rent a house in Turkey must pay attention to several things and take a good idea of ​​some legal matters related to the rental process and sign the lease contract, which guarantees the rights of both the tenant and the landlord.

The lease contract in Turkey is of great importance and first place in the legal relationship between the landlord and tenant, as it is the first regulator of this relationship and its clauses constitute the main solution to any problem that may occur between the two parties. The right of the contract so as not to harm any party whatsoever.

Among the most important of these points are the following:

The most important things to pay attention to before signing a rental contract for an apartment in Turkey

  • Ensure that the person renting the property is the real owner of the property or must hold a legal agency issued by the property owner through which the house can be rented.
  • Fixing the insurance payment process legally, where the amount of the rental insurance for the house is determined, and then recorded in the contract and deposited through a bank account.
  • Checking the information contained in the lease contract and making sure that it matches the property to be rented on the ground, as the information contained in the title deed of the property is matched with the information of the lease contract with the property’s specifications on the ground such as the location of the property, its area, and others…
  • Knowing the basic and additional technical specifications of the house to be rented, and not forgetting the additional expenses of the house and construction; Like the amount of revenue accrued monthly.
  • Accurately verifying the internal and external condition of the property to be rented and recording a detailed list of the furniture in the house, if any, in addition to verifying the numbers recorded on the water, electricity, and gas meters, and paying attention to the work of all devices related to these networks.

Important information that you should not miss from the rental contract in Turkey:

The identity information of both the lessor and the landlord. In addition to the signatures of both the landlord and the tenant and make sure that they are affixed to each page of the lease agreement.

If the landlord is a legal agent of the property owner, then the legal agency information must be mentioned.

The exact and detailed address of the property with all the information on the equipment in the property.

The monthly rental value of the property with the method of rent payment and the bank account number.

The value of the security deposit with the exact mention of the conditions that stipulate that the sum assured shall not be returned.

Mention the names of the witnesses on the lease agreement with their signatures.

Clarity of rental terms.

Conditions related to the rental contract of real estate in Turkey contained in the rental contract:

  • Specify the value of the monthly rent with the due date of payment and the bank account number to which the rent will be sent.
  • Agreeing on the periods at the end of which the rent amount can be raised.
  • Determining the terms of the lease and agreeing on the purpose for which the leased property will be used.
  • A clear and explicit mention of the person who has the right to use the property, that is, it is determined whether there is permission for the lessee to rent the property or not.
  • Determine the possibility of allowing the tenant to make modifications to the property.